I will be devoting more of my time for my family and doing my online handcraft business part time.
I have already worked out a schedule and will be trying it out these few weeks.
Hopefully with it, I can spend my time wisely and be more efficient and productive.
I have shortlisted a few goals:
1. rest more to build up my immune system and keep my temper in check. The kids can drive me really crazy sometimes!
2. do more exercises for lower back pain
3. learn cooking. I like to cook but I don't like to wash up. Haha.
4. list 100 items in Etsy shop. I want to bring variety to my customers. ;-)
Now for the store updates:
Love bandit raccoon glass pendant, cute valentine gift, pink blue, woodland animal |
Entwined silver double hearts dangle charms, add to glass pendants, DIY earrings, stitch markers |